To join the MSA, please print off a copy of the membership application form, submit with your payment and send both by federal mail to:
Manitoba Simmental Association
c/o Sandra Brigden
Box 1944 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
Our Mission
The Manitoba Simmental Association is committed to promoting Simmentals in both the purebred and commercial industries. We are in a partnership with the Canadian Simmental Association, Keystone Simmental Association and Pembina Triangle Simmental Association. We work together to pursue emerging markets, inform the membership of events and important information and work to better the future for the Simmental producer and beef consumer
Annual activities and events coordinated by the Manitoba Simmental Association Board of Directors include:
Annual General Meeting: held around the province along with MSA Field Day
Manitoba Simmental Summer Show: held each year at a different agricultural fair throughout the province
Support of Manitoba 4H by awarding 2 x $500 vouchers annually, and handing out participation tokens for all 4Hers showing Simmental influenced animals
Heifer raffle or online fundraiser in support of the Manitoba YCSA Scholarship program
Simmental Show at the Manitoba Ag Ex
Commercial Producer of the Year awards are given out to commercial operators making use of top quality Simmental genetics
Sponsorship of the Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup
Supporting youth programs and events organized by the Manitoba YCSA Board of Directors
Annual A.O. Henuset Memorial Simmental Ambassador Award to recognize the outstanding purebred breeders in our province
Website Membership List
If you wish to be listed on the MSA Membership linking to your email address and/or your website, please complete the attached MSA Consent Form (PDF file) and mail to
Manitoba Simmental Association
c/o Sandra Brigden
Box 1944 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0